Thursday, April 12, 2007

Higher up and Farther in

I must admit I came to the Narnia Chronicles late in life, I was 30 years old when I first read the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. However, I was hooked for life!! I adore these books and have read them at least once a year since. I, like every good Narnia aficionado, believe that the books should be read not in the order that the publisher has numbered them. One MUST read the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe first. Then you can read the other books either as numbered saving the Magician's Nephew for last or you can read the Magician's Nephew and then read the rest as numbered. I believe it simply ruins the series to read the Magician's Nephew first. Half the fun of the Lion book is wondering where some of the things that are in Narnia came from. If these things are revealed before you ever start, then to me it just isn't as much fun.

My favorite scene from the book is the favorite of many. When Lucy asks "Is he quite safe?" and Mrs. Beaver says "Safe? Safe? Who said anything about safe? Of course he's not safe, but he is good."

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